Friday, November 18, 2005

Like my blog? (anna nicole voice)

Well, here's my blog. Ain't it pretty?

I'll be honest. I don't really know what I'm doing here. My friend Heather has a blog and its cool so I gotta have one, too. So does that mean if one of my friends has Asian Bird Flu, I gotta have it, too? Depends on how close a friend they are. Haaaa. No... seriously.....

While watching "Breaking Bonaduce" one evening (yeah I know, you don't have to tell me), Danny said something profound. He said, "I used to think that people deserved to hear everything I have to say. Now I'm just trying to keep my big mouth shut." So.... why am I here if I'm trying to keep my mouth shut?

Because it isn't my nature! I'm a communicator. I'm a talker. The nice thing about this blog is that the few who see and read it will be people who know me and care about me (I hope!) and they understand that. At least I'm not out there trying to spread the message of Tammy to the masses. Been there done that. The whole "Behold ME!" thing just doesn't work.

So this will be where I post daily (if I remember to) about whatever is on my mind. It might be interesting, it might be stupid. That will depend on the day. But it'll be here.

Thanks for *listening* :o)