Saturday, November 19, 2005

Good Eggs

This morning, I am working at the bank 9 to 12. Ugh. Yeah it sucks but it's $24!!!! hahaha It isn't so bad, at least I'm up and doing something productive. Otherwise I'd be lying in bed til 10:00 wondering why my back hurts and wishing for pancakes to magically appear.

So I checked my email this morning and had a note from Traci Morrow. Well, not a note, it was a freaking BOOK by anyone's standards and it was all about Jesus and getting to know him. See, I am a new Christian. A baby Christian. I took my leap of faith earlier this year and since then, I have "new eyes". Things are changing within me -- I can feel it -- it is the work of Christ in me and the Holy Spirit and it is *amazing* to say the least.

Okay I know what you're thinking. "Geez louise it's the 2nd post and already she's throwing Jesus at us...." Please bear with me!! I'm not going to beat you with my Bible or make you watch while I handle snakes and sing praises. Promise. It's just that He is now a HUGE part of my life and I have vowed that I will not be ashamed to speak of Him and what He has done for me, even if it makes me sound crazy! ( "We can never wear green again!" Kathy, that still cracks me up! )

Back to Traci -- she sends me this novella about Christ and faith and finally finding Him after searching for years for what was missing in your life and what He does!! Is!! Awesome!! Now let me tell you something. Traci Morrow is a good egg. She has just lost her dear grandfather. He passed just days ago. She's got to load up her husband and family of 4 kids (the little one has the stomach flu, bet this is gonna be a nice trip!) and head for Oregon, like 12 hours away, for the services. She has to find someone to feed the pets, pack, load the van, get the kids ready, all this while mourning the loss of her grandpa, worrying about her grandma, I imagine the phone is ringing constantly with family members and friends offering condolences and asking questions.....

And in all this, she finds the time to send a War & Peace email to me about just how powerful a relationship with Christ can be.

She took the time.

Think about that. Think about your friends. Are you a good egg?

Take some time today and tell a friend you love 'em.
