Sunday, March 28, 2010

How I ran a 5K and managed to stay alive

Yes, you read that headline right. I ran a 5K.

Well - "ran" in quotation marks.... because my running is pretty much equal to someone else's walking (Jimmy LOL). My poor little fred flintstone feet are a bit achey today. But, I did it, it was another thing to conquer and I finished it.

What is weird about a 5K, I think, is that logically you know it is a short distance (3.1 miles, give or take a 10th). So in your head you think no big deal -- I walk that far just for fun and to get fresh air and it doesn't take long really.

But when you are actually DOING the 5K it is a totally different animal. It seems to be never ending and you feel like you've been running/walking forEVER and someone will say "Alright you've done 1 mile" and you are like "Whaaa?? SERIOUSLY?" LOL

This particular 5K was made even tougher due to the wind and the hills. I would not be lying if I told you that old Bob Seger song "Against the Wind" was running through my mind! And the 2nd mile of this one was pretty much all uphill.

All that aside -- I did what I intended to do -- I FINISHED. I did not give up and walk away (altho trust me part of my brain was telling me to do just that). I did not just give up and walk it because my knees were hurting or my calves were like rocks. I gave it my all - and then I gave it some more. Which surprised me, in a way. I know I have it in me to do that, it is just so not "me" most of the time.

Now... there is a big part of me saying, "Ok Tam... 5K, been there, done that, got the t-shirt. You never have to do that again." And I'm not really sure that I want to do it again -- but then again.... a part of me does. Not to try and compete or anything like that, but just to see if I can do it again.

I may never be a huge running fan, but this was a great experience and one that should, in the back of my mind, be repeated (but maybe without the hills) :)