Tuesday, November 22, 2005

Last night I made brownies....

See? I cleverly tie it all in. Now you are starting to get me, aren't ya? So last night I made brownies and Jimmy said I was evil but I know better than that. He lurves me. ;o) Also, the fact that he said this while making himself waffles -n- syrup was sort of a giveaway to his real feelings. heh. He was making waffles in the toaster oven, which was smoking like KUH-RAZY thanks to Jacob and his melted cheese snack of the day. So we had to put 'em in the oven with the brownies instead. I said maybe I'd get a toaster for Xmas and Jimmy said, "I already know what I'm getting you for Xmas." A Ha!!! That means he's getting me something! I tried to pry some clues out of him, but he's a wily devil.

Now I'm already thinking of what to get him. He's hard to buy for in a way, he's not really picky but he usually just gets whatever he wants for himself. I'll really have to think because I want to get him something special and cool. I'm open to suggestions. *hint hint*

So... brownies and waffles with syrup. This morning I got an email from a friend concerning food intake. It was about eating as primitive men did -- all natural foods from the earth before man became agriculturalized. In other words, foods allowed are meat, nuts, berries and natural fruits & veggies... and I can't remember what else. Not much. On the "forbidden" list were all grains and grain products (breads, pastas, etc) all sugars (except honey), anything that can't be eaten "raw" such as potatoes and beans, all dairy products and just about everything that is good and tasty and meant to be eaten. And somethings that are not.

While I can see some sense in this -- I mean the article made perfect sense -- there's this huge part of me thinking, "Geez is there ANYTHING left to eat that won't kill me or make me fat?"

See, I'm striving for a balance. Have you ever known a person who was a total health nut? A person who won't take even a tiny bite of birthday cake on their big day, or a sip of champagne at New Year's because "it's poison!" Sure, they are going to live forever and they have gorgeous 6-pack abs. But...... are they having any fun? Really? And are they fun to be around? Really?

Of course, that's the extreme end of the spectrum. The other end is the 600-lb. gorilla who lives in McDonalds and sweats gravy and chocolate sauce. They are the ones who invite you to the "All You Can Eat" buffet then embarass you by eating it all. Are they fun to be around? Really?

*sigh* I just want balance. I want to be right there in the middle. I don't want to live forever -- but I don't want to be that 600-lb. gorilla either. I want the desire to exercise (really I do, I pray for it constantly and thus far, He hasn't given it to me haha) so that I can be healthy and active and fit. I love a big salad with oil & vinegar dressing. I love veggies and fruits. Really I do. But I also love chocolate and baked potatoes with everything on 'em and cheeseburgers. I love brownies and Dr. Pepper. I don't want to be that person at the party who, while everyone is having cake, takes out her little baggie of carrot sticks and hummus and swears its just as good as the cake. Then again, I don't want to be that person everyone stares at while she goes back for her 5th slice of cake, then her 6th. Then eats the leftovers. Ha.

I want balance, that's all. Whatever happened to balance? And why can't everyone want it, just like me? Man, the world would be a happy place if everyone would just do what I want.

