Monday, July 17, 2006

Let's face it...

I'm not the butterflies and bluebonnets type. Honestly, can you see me frolicking thru a meadow? I didn't think so.

Yes, this is much, much better.

I spent the weekend in Llano with the Gulls. We went to visit Lori Arlene, who got to come home from the hospital Friday night. She looked better than I expected. Her spirits are up, it seems. If they weren't, they have to be now. We laughed and laughed, then cried as Kathy said a prayer over her. It's going to be a hard road to recovery. And she will recover. She will.

Hopefully I'll have a picture to show you later.

Now, speaking of frolicking in a meadow....... that reminds me of Kathy's analogy of her recent family issues. They've been thru some really rocky stuff lately and she told me Friday night, "That was ugly. I did not go thru that pretty. It was like falling down a mountain with a dress on!" Haaaaaaaaaaaa! Yeah, sometimes we go thru stuff that shows the entire world our bloomers and there is nothing we can do about it. It sucks -- but it's real.

At least we can look back and share a giggle or two.

I love you Gulls!!!!!!!!!