Thursday, June 01, 2006

The weekend.

Well, as you know, this past weekend was my Mom's family reunion and my brother came with his wife and 5 kids. I would have posted about this sooner, but it took until now to chew through the duct tape that the kids used to tie me to the chair....

I kid! I kid!

We had a great weekend and enjoyed the visiting very, very much. And I have to say -- Kudos to Billy & Elda (my bro and sis-in-law) on their parenting skills. You know, with any number of kids, there is an opportunity for complete and utter chaos. The more kids you have, the more the opportunity grows exponentially. So with FIVE... well, I don't have to say more. What I do want to say is that these five kids are extremely well behaved, well mannered and........ just so deliciously adorable! :o)

If they email me pictures, I will show you. You'll see.

In other news.......

I spent Monday doing laundry and reading a trashy true crime novel. I never take the time to read anymore, so it was really nice.

Jimmy & LJ spent yesterday morning blowing cellulose insulation into our attic. Hopefully, we will reap loads of benefits on our electric bill, since summer is apparently here and the A/C is set on "perpetual". It was quite a job, but nothing two of my men couldn't handle :o) The yard looked like a volcano had erupted, though. Nothing a little weather won't clean up.

I've been getting up at 6am and doing exercise for 2 days straight. I'd say I'm on a roll but someone would roll their eyes at me and go, "2 days? psshhht." And they'd be right. I'll let you know when I've got 2 weeks under my belt. By then something should FIT under my belt because I'd better start losing inches off the flab or else........

And that's it for now.....