Tuesday, May 16, 2006

And I think to myself....... what a wonderful world....

I was thinking I was going to blog about food and our relationship with food – but over the course of the evening, my thinking changed and I want to talk about something else.

I went to the Beachbody chat last night to see what Tony Horton (fitness guru, creator of P90 and P90X) had to say. It was mostly the usual stuff – eat healthy, exercise blah blah blah – but then he addressed something that really fires me up. That is: the reason for exercising and eating healthy.

Tony called it “Substance and Purpose”. Eat healthy, live an active life…. Why? For mental, spiritual and physical health. Do it so you can be a better person. Do it so you are happier on the inside and therefore can contribute more to your family, friends and to the world that surrounds you. Forget the numbers game – forget the scale, the measuring tape and the clothing size tags.

What a perfect world it would be – in my own opinion – if people would do just that!

I’ve been of the mind that taking care of myself was all about looking good. And maybe until you’ve been there and been through that, you don’t understand when I say meeting those goals are hollow victories. So what if you are a size 4? So what if you have a hot body and look good in a bikini?

Hot bodies are a dime a dozen, baby. They’re everywhere. If that is what you are wrapped up in, then you need to just get over yourself. There is always going to be someone better looking than you, smaller than you and richer than you.

Somehow, I’ve come through the other side of that mentality and my thinking now is……… I am okay just being me. I don’t feel guilty over what I eat anymore. Sometimes I enjoy a big salad. Sometimes I enjoy Sonic onion rings. So what? Sometimes I enjoy running. Sometimes I enjoy sitting on my ass watching The Amazing Race. So what? I’ve gained about 10 pounds since last summer and it doesn’t seem to be going anywhere. So what? Does it mean my friends and family love me less? No. Does it mean that I love me any less?

No. I love my family and friends for who they are – not what they weigh. It took me a long time to figure out that I needed to feel that way toward myself.

In my perfect world, people would be happy to just.... be. There would be no “OH I can’t eat that!” or “I MUST do this workout or else!” In my perfect world, sometimes we’d run and sometimes we’d sit around watching a good movie and eating pizza. And nobody would feel guilt. Nobody would have that stupid, niggling voice in their heads telling them how “bad” they were.

Come live in my world. You know you wanna. C’mon……
