Wednesday, April 26, 2006

Change is ugh.

I mentioned in the post before last that my job is changing. Well, I'm not happy about it. I hate change. It makes me all wigged out. I like my world nice and calm and PREDICTABLE. When I can't see what's coming, I get all stressed out. Only it doesn't really show much -- I internalize it. I'm an "internal cycler", or at least I think that is what Dr. Nina said.

Britt is apparently telling people that I have "decided to leave" the adjuster's office, which is a straight up lie. This is HIS choice. If it were up to me, I'd continue to work for him in the morning and the body-shop in the afternoon and everything would move along swimmingly and my life would be just peachy. But it isn't and I guess maybe that's his way of coping -- to tell people it's my decision instead of saying, "The company isn't making enough money to afford to pay her anymore....." But... still. Ugh.

Then I'm doing the "salary dance" with Rick at the body shop and yesterday did not go the way I expected or wanted it to go. So, again, Ugh. Negotiating a salary is so uncomfortable. I see now how Donald Trump appears so detached and cold -- you have to be that way when negotiating about money. You can't make it personal. Altho, in this case it IS personal because, to me, we are talking about MY WORTH. Which is apparently more to me than it is to an employer.... but hey! Ain't that the way it goes? So we'll dance a little more today, maybe he'll step on my toes and maybe I'll twirl around and maybe then he'll dip me and we'll end in a beautiful pointy pose under the disco ball while the ending strains of "She Works Hard for the Money" by Donna Summer plays in the background.....

See? I'm wigged out. Now I'm hallucinating.