Thursday, April 20, 2006

Hey, long time no see.

I know. I just don't have much to say and I figure if you wanted to know, you'd ask. ha!

The 5K is this coming Saturday. I will be glad to be over with it. Frankly, I may not even go. How do you like them apples? I know I can run it. I guess since I *said* I would do it and I paid $20 for an entry fee, I should do it. I just really don't care anymore. But that's how it works with me. I get excited, then I stop caring.

I'm sitting here waiting for it to start pouring down rain, which it is going to do any minute now. This means I can't get out and run this evening. Boohoo. I'm so sad. *snork*

I didn't eat breakfast this morning, which gave me a huge honkin' headache from hunger pains, so Jimmy & I went to Chili's and I had a huge honkin' hamburger and fries and 2 -- yes, 2! -- Dr. Peppers. My headache is nearly gone now. Never underestimate the power of a good burger.

I'm changing jobs. I'm going to begin working for the body shop full-time and maybe help Britt out a few hours a week from my house. I have not talked salary with Rick yet -- I hope we can come to an agreement that we are both happy with. I can't work for peanuts. I have bills to pay and commitments to keep. But surely we can arrive and something mutually satisfactory. I'm praying on it.

I am ready to go to NEW YORK CITY. Oops. I wasn't supposed to let that cat out of the bag yet. My bad.

There may be a GULL CRUISE 2007 summer vacation in the works. I hope so!!!!

bye for now!