Tuesday, March 14, 2006

I'm baaaaccckkkkk!

But I'm not gonna tell ya where I went just yet. Heh.

Today I'm going to say hi to my brother, who just may stumble his way over to my blog.

HI BILLY!!!!! *waving madly*

See, my brother is cool (don't tell him I said that) and now that we are grown-ups, kind of bizarre because he is like, a clone of our Dad. They talk the same, they have the same mannerisms. It is really..... weird. Kinda. But cool, too, because our Dad is cool. So that makes Billy cool, too. "Cooler than the other side o' the pillow" as Jimmy would say.

Growing up, it was just Billy & me. No other siblings. He is 2 years younger than me and we grew up really close. We played games together, and "Little People" (still my fave toy EVER!! Billy, what were their names? We had Richard and Julia and I can't remember the others.......)

We lived out in the country and during the summer, we would pack some food and go traipsing off through the pasture to have a picnic (remember???) OH! There was this big pond on the back of our land and in the summer it would be all stagnant and grown over with moss. Billy would stand on one side -- I on the other --- and we would use long yucca sticks to FLING moss at each other!! (Remember??!!) And we'd end up stinky and covered in yuck water and moss.....

Good times. *sigh*

So many memories...... The time Billy tied himself into a wagon and crashed down the hill in front of the house........ the time he rode his bike thru a pack of fighting dogs.........the time he landed flat on his back when we were playing "Olympics" on the swing set and the air rushed out of him and he ran around the yard making this "Sqqqqquuueeeeeee!" noise............... OH! We had this old row boat called "The African Queen" on our big pond out back and we would get in it with Dad and just row around for no reason. Billy would want to get out, so Dad would pull up to the side, and when Billy had one leg on the ground and one still in the boat, Dad would shove off and Billy would fall in the water! bwwwahahahahaaaa And he fell for it EVERY TIME......... The funniest was when he decided he needed to be more comfortable in the boat so he brought his pillows with him from his bed. Yeah, he was holding them in his arms when Dad shoved off that time. I can still see him falling backwards into the water, pillows and all....... bwwwahahahahahahahaaaaaaaa

Ahhhhhhhhh the memories. Good times. *sigh*

Alright Billy -- leave me a comment. Feel free to tell the world embarassing stories about me if you like. But remember -- I have more to tell if I choose. ;o) Muuuaaaaahhhhaahaha *evil laugh*