Wednesday, February 15, 2006


I just went to heat up my snack for the morning -- a delicious Campbell's Soup at Hand, Classic Tomato. Yum.

So I set the microwave for 2 minutes, then went to send a couple of faxes. Heard something go "POP"......

My soup exploded!

Apparently, the microwave here at the office is more of a Nuclearwave. I had to wipe down the entire inside of it -- soup was everywhere. And now I am left with a 1/2 container of boiling tomato soup to try and drink........

The german chocolate cake on the counter is whispering to me, but I will continue to ignore it.

Accountability 2/15:
Food: Breakfast - oatmeal
Morning snack - tomato soup, a few crackers
Lunch - Garden burger on whole wheat w/ lettuce, tomato & fat-free cheese, 1/2 cup baked beans
PM Snack - Nutrigrain cereal bar
Dinner -- Leftover roast, a bit of sweet potato and brussel sprouts

Exercise: Walk/jog for one hour. Today I took my pulse at intervals, alternated walk/jog to keep my heart rate in the "aerobic zone".....