Saturday, February 11, 2006

It gets worse before it gets better.

The sinus crap, that is.

Last night was the worst thus far this week. What started as just allergy/sinus stuff in my head has sorta migrated down into my throat. I can't seem to clear my throat no matter how hard I try. I feel really gross in the morning -- take a super hot shower and then feel pretty good until about late afternoon. Then I just feel tired and grody, with the constant throat clearing and sniffling.

BUT -- I am hoping that means that it's on the way out! Surely tomorrow will be better. And the next day. And the next.

I believe Jimmy is starting a round of P90X on Monday. I have no desire to make this a place where all I talk about is workouts and diet -- but I'm going to have to post something about it, probably, so that I'll stay on track. Which I have not thus far, really. But with Jimmy working it -- I can do the weight workouts with him. He'll skip the cardio stuff so that I will have to do on my own, on alternate days.

I have something special coming up in March and I really want to be ready for it. Not in the way that I look or what size I am -- but in the way of strength and stamina.

So, here's hoping the sinus crap says good-bye really soon.