Monday, February 13, 2006

Monday gets a bad rap.

Ever wonder if Monday has low self-esteem, comparing itself to the other days? Nobody likes Monday. Everybody loves Friday and Saturday. Tuesday thru Wednesday, while not celebrated, are considered "ok". And Sunday is usually a nice, relaxing day that everyone wants to hold onto. But poor Monday. Nobody likes him.

I'm feeling cranky this morning and I don't know why. I should probably eat something. Which means I need to get to super Walmart for a few things on my list. Then I have to go by 2 banks, doing company business and personal business, then I can go home which is where I want to be.

I see a pot of chili in my future. Chili over rice while watching the Olympics. Sounds good!

Will I exercise today? Most likely. It won't be pretty, but oh well. It needs to get done. I guess you'll find out tomorrow if I did or not!

p.s. Thanks to Paulmoodle for fixing me a few background photos so I can continue to decorate my blog :o)