Monday, February 20, 2006

How was your weekend?

Pretty good, thanks.

Friday afternoon, I met up with a bunch of gals from church and we went off on a "Ladies Retreat" in the Texas Hill Country. It was a really neat way to make some friends. The bummer part of the deal was the weather --- it was below freezing the ENTIRE WEEKEND! The place we were at ( ) is really beautiful and there are lots of outdoor activities, NONE of which we could do, due to the freezing drizzle that rained on us nearly the entire time. Hopefully, we will be able to do this again. Spring would be an awesome time, with all the wildflowers in bloom. Ahhhhh.

So what did I learn? Well, I learned that church ladies aren't always "churchy". Which I love. Because me? No so "churchy". I was worried that some might find me....... slightly offensive. Or heathenistic. But no, for the most part, I fit right in. Now, of course, there were some "older" ladies who didn't hang with my group, who went to bed early and were very proper the entire time. But my group? We started Friday after dinner with the hootin' and hollerin' and sharing funny stories. Then we stayed up until after 1:00am playing this card game called "Nertz" ( sort of a fast-paced solitaire type game, very exciting ). The noise level was atrocious but we were having a fantastic time. Funniest things were when Amy McD forgot what the game was called and screamed out "ZERBOT!!!" when she went out. We all nearly died! And we found that Miranda (who sings like an angel with the praise band) laughs EXACTLY LIKE A DONKEY SOUNDS when she gets really tickled. I think we spent more time trying to make her laugh than actually concentrating on the cards.....

Saturday dawned bright and early (ugh!!) and to be honest, I napped a little during "quiet prayer time" (I wasn't the only one, I found out later). The day was spent mainly listening to the guest speaker. Okay, I'll come right out and say it: Not my cup of tea. I found her rather boring. She was a missionary from Africa --- her stories of life in Africa were interesting, but her main area of speaking was basically to tell us how we are all called to be missionaries, preferably overseas. That's nice -- but it isn't my mission; at least not at this point in my lifetime. So I listend some, but mainly busied myself with reading the book of Ezekiel. Now there's some weird, prophetic crazy stuff. Good reading, but wild.

Then lunch time came and afterwards, we were free to go or to hang out and shop in town or whatever. My group chose to go ahead and head home, for which I was very grateful. There were two or three ladies who decided they would try to ride the horses. We drove by the corral on our way out and let me tell ya, those horses looked pissed off. hahahaha I woulda been too, it was like 22 degrees out and misting ice.

Overall -- a good experience. I enjoyed getting to know the girls better. The food was great -- sort of "grandma's home cooking" fare. Fattening as hell but well worth it. And although the speaker wasn't my thing, I did enjoy the time reading out of my Bible.

So now it's Monday and back to the old routine.

I'm not sure if I'm going to keep up the "accountability" posting -- I find it boring and redundant. Besides, I want to just "do the work" without having to constantly be thinking about it. There is a fine line between action and obsession when it comes to exercise and food. I read a really great blurb about just that in a magazine over the weekend -- I will maybe find it and print it here.

So how was your weekend? Share!