Thursday, March 30, 2006

When Worlds Collide

You know how you have different sets of friends? Like you might have "work friends" and then you have "church friends" and then "all-my-life friends"? And normally you don't blend the groups together because they don't have anything in common and generally they won't mix well so you just don't bother.........?

Well. I have sort of blended my Gulls in with my Turbocation chicks -- or vice versa -- on my voluminous email chain that runs day in day out. Normally I would have several chains going. Two or three with the Turbochix (hey a new name for ya'll!) and then at least one with the Gulls and sometimes one with just Kathy or with Kathy & Heather (hothat) and sometimes Lori if she's around.

But yesterday I sent out one of those cute little internet surveys (What Movie Star Are You?) and I blended the groups together and now we are all chatting and emailing up a storm.

For me, it is highly entertaining. The best of both worlds. I wonder how the others are enjoying it though. For them, it is like being at a party and not knowing everyone there.

I can see the entire group together in my mind. They'd get along soooooo great, I think.

I can see everyone enjoying Heather (Turbochick) because, well, everyone does. I can see her and Kathy in deep discussion about religion and Jesus. (Kathy -- she's one of those "we can't wear green ever again!" people)

I can see Nina and Heather sitting together, discussing really deep subjects and being all "thinky" and occasionally belly laughing because both of 'em are quite funny.

I can see Lori and Dawn lounging side by side, each with a cold beer in hand, eating some chips and dip, talking about their kids and stuff.

I think the two groups would really like each other. They would have me in common....... that's worth hours of conversation right there. Haha!

Yes, I think it could work. After all, I don't hang out with losers.......