Friday, April 14, 2006

Friday Blog-Trippin'

Well, here I am bored at work, waiting for 5pm (why did I take an afternoon job? Money? oh yea..... money. ) So to kill time I started reading random blogs. You click on the "next blog" icon at the upper right of your screen and just see where it takes you.


Of course there is the occaisonal blog in some foreign language that I can't tell up or down from. But in between those are the gems:

Amom from Tennessee who writes about daily life with her adorable twin baby girls (ahhh babies! sweet memories.... *sigh*).....

Photos of yeast bread in the shape of bunnies and chicks.....

Instructions on how to make a perfect omellette.....

Photos from a road trip to Philly by a bunch of apparent Frat boys.... hilarious.....

Some dude's porn paintings..... (whoa!)

Various flower gardens.......

Numerous thoughts on religion, spirituality and Jesus.......(say what you will, I've talked to the dude, he's real).......

All in all, it was a neat trip.