Tuesday, April 04, 2006

Tuesday update...

Not much going on around here.

Did I tell ya I started working part-time in the afternoons for our friends Rick & Tish at their auto body shop? Well if not, I just did. It's only 1 to 5 for now, clerical type work. I think if anything happens with my 1st job at the insurance adjuster's office, I will be able to make the body shop job full-time. We'll see how things go. For now, I kinda like the 2 part-time jobs. I get a lot of variety, see different people and it keeps me busy.

I am still in training for the 5K races. The first one is coming up quick -- April 22nd. I will be sending in my registration form tomorrow. I am still a little skeered about it. I hope everything goes well. Yesterday, I went ahead and ran the entire distance (3.1 miles) just to see how long it would take me. I did it in about 43 minutes and that was with slowing down to a brisk walking pace in a few places (for a block or two) so that my calves could ease up.

It takes me a long time to get warmed up properly, no matter how much I stretch and move around before starting. By the time I got to the last mile, I was warm and loose and it was fairly easy to keep a steady pace. The first mile is always the hardest for me.

But -- 43 minutes isn't bad at this point in the process. Maybe over the course of the next couple of weeks I can shave a few minutes off that and manage the 5K in 40 minutes or less. That would be awesome. The registration form says it is a 5K Run/Walk -- so I imagine there will be people there of all sizes, shapes and speeds. I am not worried that I'll be the last one to finish.

And if I am --- so what? Right?
