Saturday, July 08, 2006

S-A-T-U-R-D-A-Y... Nite!

Well, afternoon.

So I changed my blogger template and now I can't figure out where my "World of Dr Pepper and Brownies" went. Oh well. I was thinking of changing it to "Tam's World of Butterflies and Bluebonnets" anyways.

Today Jimmy & I played golf. It pretty much sucked. It was very hot and humid and these jokers in front of us were playing extremely slow and that screwed up the game for us, having to wait at the tee boxes constantly. By hole #15, we were both out of gas, literally. I could not hit the ball straight anymore to save my life. I needed a sandwich or something. So we quit and came on home.

I need a pedicure.

Tonight we are going to watch the pay-per-view UFC "Bitter Rivals" fights on the big screen and order in pizza!! Wooooooohoo!!!

Ok that's my day thus far...........

edited to add: I did it!! I figured it out!!