Sunday, November 27, 2005

The Plan (does she know she just said "Plan"?)

Thanksgiving is done and I enjoyed the indulgences very much. And now that it is over, I have come to realize that I am ready to stop being so lazy and get moving again.

Yes, it is official. I have a Plan.

See, usually I don’t have a Plan because when I have a Plan I get all rebellious and cranky about it and chuck it out the window!

But ------------- it’s time to have a Plan and do something. Fun time is over. Or maybe it has just begun! :o)

So here’s my Plan. It isn’t a big deal, just a few guidelines for me to keep in mind. I will be working my Plan while my friend Heather (aka aztlgrl, aka Sasquatch) is doing her Plan. Also my friends Nina and Dawd are already working Plans (because they are not slackers like I am). Together we will be Planbusters. If I slack, they will come to Texas and stomp a mud hole in my ass in March. Hopefully.

Anyone else reading this who wants to be a Planbuster, join in and leave a comment! That means you HotHatHeather (Triple H) and Kathy with the gimp knee hahahahaaaa (by the way, I fixed it so you can leave commentary now without having to sign in. Yay me!)


I will be using the Turbo Jam program by Beachbody. I have Cardio Party 1 and Turbo Sculpt presently. I will be getting Cardio Party 2 and Lower Body Jam this next week. I will alternate these workouts, with maybe mixing in a Slim Series (by Debbie Siebers, also by Beachbody) here and there for variety. I will do this a minimum of 5 days per week (Sunday thru Thursday) with the option to workout Friday if I so desire (but no pressure). I will follow this Plan thru January 31st, at which time I will evaluate progress and change things up if needed or wanted.


I will begin eating 3 meals and 1 snack per day with an emphasis on lean protein and lots of veggies. I will eat a salad daily. If we go out to eat (which we tend to do a LOT) I will order more lean meat and veggies and salads and less starches and greasy stuff. I will also get a “to go” box first thing and put away ½ my order before I begin eating. Portion size is a must for me to remember – thus I will be cutting back my portion sizes and eating off smaller plates. I will be paying attention to eating until I am satisfied – not eating myself into a food coma. I will not eat after 8pm. Weekends will be considered “relax days” wherein I will keep moderation and the Plan in mind, but if I want a Dr. Pepper or a brownie, I will have them with no regrets.


Again, I will work this thru January 31st, weighing and measuring myself at the end of each 2 weeks to evaluate progress. Ultimately, I would like to lose about 10 pounds and/or be able to pull my OCI Boycut jeans down to my hipbones like I could this past spring. More importantly, I want to be sleeping better and feel stronger. I want to develop more stamina because…..


My Beachbody hooligans Nina (neeeena), Heather (aztlgrl) and Dawn (Dusk) are planning to come to Dallas!! We will meet up and go to a LIVE Turbo class with MINDY ROBISON – one of the stars of the Turbo Jam videos. I don’t want to be the slug in the back begging for an oxygen tank 1/3 thru the workout. So – it’s time to MOVE IT AND GROOVE IT BABY!

And so it begins……………