Tuesday, January 03, 2006

One door closes.... another opens..... hopefully.....

Well, hell. I just was told after today I no longer have my part-time job at the bank.

One of the other girls just graduated college and they had promised to put her on as full-time when that day came. That day is here -- and due to them having 3 full timers now, they no longer need a part-timer. At least, that was the decree from home office.

So -- I'm out.

This sucks because (A) I like it here and (B) I like the schedule I had set up. Now I'm not sure where or what I'm going to do. I have a lead on a full-time position that would be really cool and a great place to work amongst friends, however... I don't want to give up my present position. Part-time work is hard to come by, though, especially when you are picky about the hours.


Oh well. That's life. I am an optimist by nature. Although I'm flummoxed right now, tomorrow will dawn bright and cheery, with new opportunities. I just have to listen and watch and see what is meant to be.....