Tuesday, December 20, 2005


1. What is your favorite Christmas song?

My favorite traditional song is The Christmas Song, as sung by Nat King Cole. It's a true classic and his voice is so smooth. I love it.

2. What is the best Christmas gift you ever received?

This is kind of a hard one, but when my boys were little we used to give them a little money and let them do their own shopping. Whatever they gave me was always a treat. I remember getting salt & pepper shakers and things like that. It warmed my heart to know that they were thinking of what I would like!

3. What is the worst gift you ever received?

Well, this is a hard one, too, because I am grateful for any gift I receive no matter how unneccessary or unattractive it may be. One year I got a really ugly seafoam green sweater. I guess that would be it.

4. What is your favorite Christmas memory?

The excitement and anticipation of being a little kid waking up on Christmas morning! My brother and I were always ready to get up early early EARLY. I think one year we got up at 4:00am -- and my parents let us go ahead and open presents. Crazy!! But we couldn't wait!

5. What is your worst Christmas memory?

Christmas 2001. After we had opened gifts and spent the day with family, laughing and having a great time, my father called to give me the news that my Grandpa had passed on early that morning. He waited until the end of the day to tell me -- he didn't want to ruin the holiday for us. I felt kind of guilty that I had been having a good time all the while my father and grandmother were grieving.

6. If money were no object, what is the one gift you would love to buy and for whom? Why?

It seems like everyone in our family could use something -- either a house or a car. I would buy houses for my mother and father and brother. I would buy new cars for my brothers-in-law and their families. I would buy Jimmy a golf course!!! :o)

7. What do you love most about the holidays?

On Christmas afternoon, my brothers-in-law and their wives and children all gather at my house for gift exchange and lots of food and fun and laughter. We watch movies, play games, the kids run around the house all crazy! At the end of the day, the house is a total mess -- but I truly love every minute of it.

8. If you could change anything about the holidays, what would it be?

I would love to see a move away from the commercialism of Christmas -- a move away from gift giving and receiving and having the holiday be about what is on your "wish list". I wish that everyone had loving family and friends to spend the day with in love and fellowship. And above all, I wish that the true reason for our celebrating the day -- the birth of our Lord Jesus Christ -- was in the forefront. How sad that He is being pushed further and further from our culture at a time when we need Him the most!

On Christmas Day, we celebrate the most important gift ever given to all of mankind -- a child. A child who would grow up, walk a perfect path of obedience to our Ultimate Father and die to save us all -- believers AND unbelievers alike.

I wish the entire world would be grateful for Him.