Saturday, December 10, 2005

Measuring Fun (If that's what you wanna call it.... robbie.... *eye roll*....)


It's SATURDAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Weeeeeeeeeeeeee!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Weighed & measured first thing this a.m. In the past 2 weeks I've:
Lost 3 pounds
Lost 1.75 inches (1 inch off waist, smaller amounts here and there)

What does this mean?

It means that when you first go into a workout program, especially one involving lifting weights (I've been using Slim Series a lot and those always have you slinging 5# weights around), your body reacts in the beginning by releasing cortisol (stress hormones) and retaining water.
It means that I need to up the ante and push to get those 5 workouts per week done, come hell or high water.
It means that slower results are best -- because those are the ones that stick.
It means that I want to lose another 12 pounds, another 2 inches off my waist, and more inches elsewhere.
It means that I will be patient and keep going forward. Backward is not an option.
I'll check the numbers again in 2 more weeks. I know you will all be waiting breathlessly until then.

My weekend plans: for today, I get off work at noon and I'm going home to do a cardio workout (gotta get my 5!) then I'm going to the movies at 4pm to see Narnia. It should be awesome. Then I want to go eat Mexican food (grilled chicken fajitas mmmmmmmmm).
For Sunday -- church and laundry. What a party! :o)

Have a happy weekend -- keep movin'! :o)