Thursday, December 01, 2005

Random Babblings......

We got an $800 check in the mail for the company today. See? Jesus works.

On my way to work in the morning, I listen to KPSM The Rock 99.3 Christian radio. This week they are doing "Share-a-Thon 2005" where they take donations. I've been listening all week and it's been in the back of my mind to donate something since I enjoy them so much, but I just hadn't made the commitment. Then this morning, they say "Gail from Southside Baptist has issued a challenge -- Southside people call in and pledge!" So I called in and pledged. I figured that was a sign, since I had told Gail (she and her husband lead my Sunday school class) that I listen to The Rock every morning on my way to the office as my "prayer time".

My left shoulder hurts. All the way up into my neck. It's Debbie Siebers' fault. 78 minutes of pumping 5-lb weights and squatting. Who decided I should do that? Oh.... yeah. Me. *sigh*

Today is Day ONE of the Neeeeners challenge -- that is, a bunch of BBer's who put their names down for the challenge to see who workout the most days between now and March 1st. There are rules, like you just count the DAY not the number of workouts (that's so nobody will go nuts and workout like 6 times a day which is just stupid). We all put up $5.00 and at the end, the person with the highest number of days wins the pot. I don't expect to win. It is motivating to know that there's a whole group of folks out there moving and grooving with me, though. That's cool.

Had a neat talk with my oldest son yesterday afternoon. He's a cool kid. He loves his Mom. And his Mom loves him :o)

I have to stop at the store for milk today. One time, Jimmy (hubby) got upset because he wanted a glass of milk and the milk was gone because the boys had used it all up, so he declared that in our house, "Milk is only to be used for cereal!"........... *long pause* ..............."And to dip cookies in!"

That's funny.