Monday, December 12, 2005

The Gift for the One who has Everything

Got one of those people on your Christmas gift giving list that you just cannot find a present for? They have everything already -- what more could they possibly want? Here's an idea: scuba gear for their dog.

I don't know what's funnier -- the actual picture of the dog scuba diving, or the thought that someone actually paid good money to take their dog scuba diving. Wonder what the dog is thinkin'.

Anyhoo! My Sunday was a bust. I didn't go to church and we didn't go see the Narnia movie. We stayed home and vegetated. Oh well - nothing wrong with that, I got my laundry all done. I ain't complainin' about that.

I have a bit more Christmas shopping to finish up this week and I'll be done with that. Then I need to decide what baked goodies I'm going to make and give as food gifts so I can get started on them this weekend. I have a really simple recipe that involves puff pastry, cream cheese and chocolate chips. Sound good? It's either that or White Chocolate Cherry Chunky Cookies ( I made them last year, they were a HIT! ) but those cookes are time consuming to make. I'll probably end up doing both. Cuz..... I'm just like that.

Ok that is it for today. I have no interesting life question or funny anecdotes this morning. All I got is a scuba diving terrier.