Wednesday, December 14, 2005

The Best Decision

On this day 19 years ago, I made the best decision of my entire life -- I walked down the aisle of a little chapel and married Jimmy Fisher.

We had not known each other for very long – just about 6 months or so. We had not met by chance. We learned as we dated that we had spent our lives in each other’s orbit but unaware. When the timing was just right, we were brought together face to face.

A couple doesn’t stay married for 19 years without joy and tears, highs and lows. And we’ve had our share, to be certain. But through it all I have felt in my soul that I was meant to be his partner and he was meant to be mine. He is one of the greatest gifts I have received. I believe he is a blessing to me from God. He is the backbone of our family – our cornerstone.

I have not always been a good partner to him. I have a tendency toward self-importance and selfishness. I have a need to be in control of things and have my way the majority of the time. In the past year, though, I have learned what marriage really means. Marriage is a God given institution; a lesson in loving as Christ loves, giving as Christ gives, forgiving as Christ forgives, accepting as Christ accepts.

I love Jimmy Fisher. I want another 19 years – no, I want another 29, 39, 49 years with him as my partner. I want to serve him, to give to him, to accept him and to love him for all of my days. He is my gift and I am forever grateful.