Wednesday, January 04, 2006

Jeremiah 30:17 "For I will restore health unto you, and I will heal you of your wounds, saith the Lord."

I met Lori Arlene Roberts in the 3rd grade. We quickly became the best of friends, ready to play "Jaws" on the playground or even sit out recess together in a show of solidarity when one of us got in trouble. We were in and out of each other's lives and classes until 7th grade. That's when our friendship solidified itself and we became each other's confidante and partner-in-crime. And we've been friends ever since.

In junior high, you could find me at Lori's house or on the phone with her on a regular basis. I don't remember ever washing the dishes (that was "my" assigned chore) without the phone hanging off my neck and her giggling on the other end of the line. We shared a love for late night phone chats while watching David Letterman. We shared a love of music and weekly wrote out our favorite "Top 10" lists. And we adored the Rolling Stones to the point that we were going to marry them one day. No, we had no idea at the time how old they were. (haha) We made brownies together in Home Ec (like cutting an elephant with a spoon). We were inseperable.

High school came along and we remained the best of friends -- but the circle widened and we became a group of 6 over time. (These are the "Gulls" I have mentioned in previous entries. ) Together, we forged thru the high school years. We were on the Flag Corps together. We drove "the drag" together. We saved our lunch money, starving for days, so that we could buy tickets to see Billy Squier in concert (with opening act: Saga!) Lori was always in the thick of it all. She had a car, a job and more freedom than maybe the rest of us had (certainly more than I). We were there when her prom dress got sewed together inside out (remember that, gals?) and we were there for the time she cut her own bangs the night before class pictures (centimeter bangs!).

After high school, we had a time where we all sort of drifted our own ways. I got married (Lori was a bridesmaid) I moved to California with Jimmy (he joined the Army). Lori wrote to me regularly -- she was my link to home in many ways. She was, at that time, in an abusive relationship and got pregnant with twin boys. Most of the abuse was kept from me -- she always was trying to protect me from stuff like that. She gave birth to 2 beautiful boys and kicked out the chump who fathered them.

Lori's tough. She went it alone with twin babies for a time. She held things together for her boys. I always knew she'd be a great mom -- and she is. She's like a tiger with cubs -- don't cross her! :o) There came a day when she met Ricky. Finally, a good man who wanted to treat her like she deserved! They married and had little Mason (now age 3) and Sydney (now about 18 mos).

Did I say Lori's tough? She is. While pregnant with Sydney, she found out she had thyroid cancer. She waited until it was safe during her pregnancy to have treatments and surgery. We held our breath the entire time. But she sailed through it and gave birth to a perfect baby girl.

Flash forward to today: The cancer is back. Recent scans find "activity" in her neck, chest and abdomen. It isn't right. It isn't fair. She's doing everything the doctors say to do. She's having the treatments (radiation treatment, which keeps her from being near her children for weeks at a time). Everything looks clear for a while....... then we get the news that it's back.

It isn't right.

She's 38 years old. She's got a loving husband and together they work to eke out a living and raise their kids in a good family. She's got twin boys who are now....... what? 12 years old? She's got little Mason and little Sydney, cutest kids ever. After all she's been through....... this isn't right. It just isn't.

There is no way I can do our friendship justice in just a few paragraphs, but I hope I've given you some insight into who Lori is to me. She's more than just a friend -- she's my sister. All the Gulls are. And it's at this time that we are circling together in prayer, asking God to heal our friend.

Now, you don't know Lori -- to you she's just a person you read about. But think about your dearest, closest friends and what you would do for them.

Pray for my friend. Please.