Friday, January 06, 2006

Lighten up!

I figure it's time to leave our worries behind for a bit and lighten up and have some fun......

I just watched the movie "Into the Blue" . Entertaining enough. Action, romance, good looking guys & gals.

It occurs to me while watching the beautiful ocean scenes that I have never snorkeled. I want to snorkel.

Jimmy & I were on a cruise in the Carribean last fall and we didn't snorkel. What sort of people are we??? hmph.

This summer, I want to take another cruise and THIS TIME I am going to snorkel. I don't have the slightest idea how to do it -- I'm not even that great a swimmer and I'm kind of afraid of stuff in the ocean. But, dammit -- I AM GOING TO SNORKEL.

What is something you've never tried -- maybe never even dreamed of trying -- that you want to do? Tell me about it and tell me when you'll do it and how you'll plan for it!