Thursday, January 05, 2006

Turning My Face to Him

As I have spent much of the past 24 hours in conversation and prayer with God, it occurs to me that it is truly a challenge to walk with Him daily -- however the reward is great.

How empty I feel when I fail to make time for Him daily! It is far to easy to become absorbed in this world we (man) have created for ourselves. I so readily slip into my own little space, worrying about finances, my job, my life. I fight to find solutions to my own small problems, laying out Plans A, B and C in my head, debating with myself over what to do, what to think, how to be..... how to live a life that is rewarding and fullfilling.

When all I have to do is turn my face to Him and listen.

See, He speaks to me. I know He does -- He always has -- only I am stubborn and full of self-will and forget to listen. This morning, as I drove to work, filled with sadness for my friend Lori, concern for another friend's teen daughter and disappointment over my job situation, He threw me a lifeline by way of a song:

And I am the moon with no light of my own
Still you have made me to shine
And as I glow in this cold dark night
I know I can’t be a light unless I turn my face to you

(You Are the Sun by Sara Groves

Oh how I want to shine! I am nothing but an empty shell without Him. My life is not my own anymore. I turned my all over to Him the day I jumped into the waiting arms of Christ Jesus.

I am pitifully unworthy........ I have so little to give. Yet He continues to fill me with hope and light, He is forever faithful, guiding my way with His mighty hand. My face is turned to Him today. I pray that I will turn to Him each day and not be sucked into the worries and fears of this world.

I wish the same for you.