Friday, January 20, 2006

Friday Ramblings......

The picture above is the Photo of the Day from and depicts a collection of sake barrels. Sake is a Japanese alcoholic beverage, brewed from rice. In Japan, the word simply means alcoholic beverage. As with other alcohol in Japan, sake is poured with the palm of the hand facing down and the back of the hand facing up, particularly when it is poured for another person. Pouring with the palm of the hand facing up is considered rude and is likely to elicit surprise and disapproval.

How do you pour something with your palm facing up? I don't get that.

And this has nothing to do with my life, I just found it interesting. Maybe I will start doing a "factoid of the day" thing around here.

My health and fitness plan is coming right along. I am noticing changes, good changes. Jimmy said he notices them, too. That means I am not hallucinating. Hallelujah!

Web asked about my running. Well, it's coming along slowly. My knees bothered me this week quite a bit more than normal, so I only walked yesterday for an hour. Today they feel much, much better, but I won't run again until next week. The running thing is surprising me in that it really isn't that bad once I am warmed up and going. I can now see the peacefulness of it that so many "runners" tell you exists. The key is to run YOUR race...... not theirs. This is why I struggled for so long, I felt I had to do it a certain way, which usually meant running miles and miles as fast as possible without stopping. Well -- no, that isn't my race. That isn't my pace. So I do MY thing and it works. Imagine that. ;o)

This week has seemed really long for having a Monday holiday. What's up with that?

I still have "vacation fever" but I make myself put it out of my mind because there's no way to fly off to paradise anytime soon. But someday it'll happen. I can wait.

I am slightly anxious over finances right now. We have property taxes, some bills we want paid off, our property insurance comes up in May and Jacob needs braces. When I think about all of it in one big bundle it makes me feel nervous. It seems like everytime we start to gain an edge on things, something else comes up. I suppose it is like that for everyone, eh? One thing at at time, it will all work out. It always has.

So that's my week. Pretty boring. Hey, some of ya'll should start asking me questions in the comments section, then I could answer them the next day. Like Dear Abby. That would give me something to write about, at least.